Foundation Team

Welcome to our Foundation Students and Families,

The Foundation students have settled into their first year of schooling with ease. A big thankyou to all the parents and guardians for working alongside the Foundation team teachers in assisting your children to adjust to primary school life.

Sirius College foundation students have the benefit of a year 5 or 6 buddy which helps smooth transition to starting school. For our older students the benefit of the program is that it acknowledges their leadership and responsibility with foundation students. Our students enjoy the buddy program as it fosters a friendship between the oldest and youngest cohorts of the school.

Foundation students and their buddies have had a great time during their buddy sessions in term 1. They have had opportunities to play together, learn together and get to know one another in a supportive school environment. The smiles on their little faces when they learn their buddies are coming down says it all. We look forward to many more opportunities to learn and grow together this year!

Mrs Emel Akgun
Foundation Co-Ordinator